InsideOut will become greener in 2010 as we continue to find ways to become more sustainable in efforts to reduce our carbon foot print.

Our current effort:

  1. Since 1995 we have recycled every piece of paper and cardboard that comes through our door and continue to try to reduce our use of white paper whenever possible. We also recycle our cans and glass. We e-mail invoices whenever possible and accept automatic credit card payments reducing mail waste.
  2. Since 2008 we have been buying Green Power which means we pay more for our electricity so our power supplier can buy more wind or solar power.
  3. Beginning in 2008, we have allowed some employees (over one year of employment) to work at home one day per week. Many of our employees come some distance to work and the at home program not only is good for morale it also saves the employee’s commute cost and reduces their auto carbon footprint.
  4. Encourage commute alternatives from car to bus and bike. We pay for bus passes for all our employees who opt to take the bus instead of drive. We also pay a $20/month bonus to those who ride their bikes to work.

2010 and Beyond

  1. We will continue to try to conserve power, water and paper whenever possible.
  2. We will measure our carbon footprint and buy carbon offset credits to pay for our usages.
  3. InsideOut travels to many trade shows and conferences because we believe face-to-face time is essential in our business. We will calculate a separate carbon footprint for travel and buy offsets. We will gladly publish our results at the end of 2010.
  4. We will increase the use of GotoWebinar to engage our clients and reduce our air travel whenever possible.
  5. We will be reprinting all our branded collateral in 2010 and it will be printed using sustainable forest initiative stock with soy inks. We will encourage our clients to do the same whenever possible.

Our green effort is far from perfect but are committed to finding solutions for our contribution to climate change. Our commitment to become carbon neutral is unwavering and we will accomplish our goal in 2010.