Responsive website design remain a hot internet marketing topic for a lot of our clients in the B&B inn, dude ranch and other distinctive lodging markets.  Many long-time InsideOut Solutions clients with aging websites had them redesigned to be all-new responsive designs that look their best no matter what device is used to view them.  Others clients with younger websites made the wise decision to extend their useful life with a responsive website design upgrade.

InsideOut Solutions web design clients with WordPress websites that are less than five years old are eligible for, and encouraged to consider, this service.  Responsive website upgrade projects in the last year included several bed and breakfast inns, a state B&B association, and a luxury cabin resort.

Our 2016 Responsive Website Design Upgrade Clients

The following InsideOut Solutions clients received a responsive website upgrade this year:

What Goes Into a Responsive Website Design Upgrade?

This upgrade takes an existing website built designed by InsideOut Solutions in either WordPress or our proprietary lodging association system and editing it from its static and separate desktop and mobile versions to be an adaptive responsive version that optimizes its layout for best viewing on whatever device is used to access it.

CSS 3icon-website-development-html-5This process is a major upgrade that includes:

  • A responsive design based around four individual user device views: desktop, laptop, tablet & mobile phone
  • “Sticky” navigation menu and social sharing bars that remain in view as a visitor scrolls down the page
  • The latest HTML 5 code & CSS 3 styling that conforms to the standards of Google Developers and the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure speedy page loading for visitors and easy indexing for search engines

The end result is a completely revitalized website with cutting edge responsive web design, but without the expense of a full redesign.

Should You Consider a Responsive Website Design Upgrade?

We have 2017 responsive upgrade jobs already in the queue and even more will come in as many of our clients are now focused on their marketing in their slower season. Is it time to get a responsive website design upgrade for your business?  Read my article “Responsive Web Design – Is It Time to Redesign or Upgrade Your Website?”  Discover the what, when, why and how of responsive web design and contact us to discuss.