On Oct. 20 and 21 Katie Pate attended a two-day seminar on advanced Adwords marketing. Lead by Google-approved Adwords Seminar Leader Brad Geddes of bg Theory, the seminar focused on advanced Adword use. Some subjects covered included Setting Goals and tracking conversions, getting in-depth information on ROI and profit tracking, effective bidding strategies and account organization.
Katie felt like some of the information was important review, while other sections were very educational. Brad reinforced the importance of testing again and again the effectiveness of your ads, keywords and landing pages. This is one of the reasons why many of our clients choose to have their Pay-Per-Click managed by InsideOut. On a weekly basis, Katie is looking at accounts performance to see what changes and adjustments can be made to an account for better ROI and placement. Taking the time to make your dollars really work for you in Adwords can take patient trial and error testing.
The other subjects covered that were most valuable and interesting to Katie included the use of some new tools and components in the Adwords interface that she was not familiar with. “There are so many different reports and reporting tools that can be used with Adwords to determine your successful keywords, ads and placement on the page. It was great to have an expert with 10 years or experience discuss these and their efficiency,” said Katie.

What does it take to make a sale online?
Katie has been in the process of becoming an Adwords Qualified Individual, and looks forward to adding this to her list of accomplishments and skills. If you have questions about how well your PPC campaign is functioning, or if you are bidding on the right keywords, feel free to contact Katie to discuss your options or have her take a survey of your account with suggestions for improvements.
If you are currently running adwords, and are curious about how well your ads are functioning, ask yourself or your adwords manager these questions:
- Is Analytics linked to my Adwords account?
- Where are my ads showing geographically?
- Are you using the content network? If so, are you using separate campaign settings for it?
- Are you using conversion tracking accurately?
If they do not know the answer to these, or they say “no” to two or more, it may be time to get an outside opinon on this leg of your marketing campaign.