Insideout is growing! That’s right, in the last 60 days, two new young ladies have joined the Insideout team!
Lisa Lidback, Web Technician, the newest face at Insideout!
The first is Lisa Lidback, our new Web Technician. Lisa has always loved travel; her Dad being in the Coast Guard, she grew up moving from coast to coast. Her family settled in Port Angeles, where she was home schooled through high school and earned an Associate of Arts and an AAS in Multimedia Communications degree from Peninsula College.
Lisa’s passions are dance and photography. She has performed in over 6 ballet productions and has taught classes at the Ballet Workshop. Lisa also loves swing and ballroom dancing, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Lisa’s ambition is to be a wedding photographer, and would love to spend a year or so traveling Europe as a photojournalist.
The second is myself, Katie Pate. But because it’s a little funny to write a bio in first person, I’ll just post it here the old-fashioned-way:
Katie Pate, Promotions Specialist
Katie is a published writer with a BA in Media Studies and English from Scripps College in Claremont, CA. After finishing school, Katie traveled to Belize, Central America to volunteer the with the National AIDS Commission of Belize, where she was a personal health counselor and helped the Commission to create a community resources guide, a national television ad and wrote for Commission in local papers. She also managed a local band and became a dancehall queen during her stay in beautiful Belize.
When Katie returned to the United States, she came to live with her family in Washington State. In November 2007 she participated in a 9-week internship for the Sequim Gazette, which lead to a profitable free-lance position at the paper.
Now at Insideout Solutions, Katie is excited to learn as much as she can about the growing field of Search Engine Optimization, and explore new and fascinating ways to use her writing skills.