If you’re looking to increase your property’s visibility and attract more guests, promoting community events on your property’s website is a great strategy. Local events bring a surge of visitors to your area, offering you a golden opportunity to showcase your property. Ready to learn more about how leveraging these events can boost your bookings? Let’s dive in!

Senior couple having a good time at the fun fair

Increased Visibility

Community events attract large crowds, often including people who are not from the local area. By promoting your property during these events, you can significantly increase your visibility among potential guests. Think about the influx of visitors coming to town for a popular festival, concert, or sporting event—they all need a place to stay. 

Highlighting the event in an SEO article on your website can be a great way to increase your organic footprint and lead to increased bookings. By including the event on your website you are more likely to appear in search results for the event, especially if you’ve written about it months in advance. 

Champagne bottle in an ice bucket with two champagne glasses

Enhanced Guest Experience

Consider a property near a well-known annual music festival, for example. By offering special festival rates or highlighting your proximity to the event, your property can become the go-to choice for attendees. Guests attending these events are typically looking for convenience and a relaxing place to return to after being out all day – and you can provide just that. Create special packages or promotions that tie into the event, such as discounted rates or even something like a charcuterie board for them to enjoy after a long day.

For instance, if your property is near a popular food and wine festival, you could offer a package that includes a gourmet breakfast and a complimentary bottle of local wine. This not only adds value to their stay but also makes their trip more memorable. Happy guests are more likely to leave positive reviews and come back during the next festival.

Handwritten word Community appearing behind torn red heart on brown paper.

Fostering Community Engagement

Being an active participant in your community fosters goodwill and strengthens your property’s brand. Guests appreciate properties that are involved in local activities and support community events. Who wouldn’t want to stay at a place that loves the community they’re in?

For example, if there’s an annual art festival in your town, promote the event on your blog or social media pages. Taking this further, you could investigate the possibility of sponsoring the event, if feasible. Sponsoring an event means your business will be included in publications. You may also be listed on the event website, which will drive even more traffic to your property’s website. Not only does this show that your property cares about the other businesses and artists in your community, but it also builds a positive image that resonates with potential guests. Being known as a community-friendly property can set you apart from competitors and create loyal guests who appreciate your efforts.

Closeup of woman hand typing, searching the information on laptop computer with a pen and notebook on office table, online working, internet networking, e-learning, digital education concept

How We Can Help

Promoting community events on your property’s website can be a game-changer, and we’re here to make it easier for you. At InsideOut Solutions, we specialize in creating tailored marketing strategies and SEO articles that highlight key local events for your property. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this. With our services, we can do all of the research, writing, and SEO optimization to help your business appear in more event search results. Let us help you maximize the potential of community events and drive your bookings to new heights.

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